
Watch strap suede


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Suede watch strap

In this category you will find our suede straps, which not only make your watch feel very special, but also make it look strikingly stylish and of high quality. As with that Leather watch strap the simple and robust yarn was only used on the sides and end of the bracelet in the original vintage design. So there is no eye-catching seam on the watch straps to distract from your watch. You will also find the classic style with a continuous seam in our shop. Each suede watch strap is double layered for a special feel soft on the wrist at. The genuine leather is also dirt and water-repellent to a degree, but with suede it is also a bit more sensitive than a smooth leather strap.

Man sitting in cafe and wearing wristwatch with dark brown suede strap from vild HamburgWoman sitting in a simple room and wearing a wristwatch with a light grey suede strap by vild Hamburg


Our suede watch strap comes in grey, brown, beige, blue, pink, red, green and camouflage with shades of gray and blue. We offer each watch strap in the most common lug widths such as a suede watch strap 20mm, 22mm or 18mm. You can also choose your desired color of the pin buckle. This consists of stainless steel and is polished or matted. It is always delivered with the clasp mounted. You can see most of our straps on the most popular watches in the Strap Finder.

Suede care

The suede of our watch straps is generally easy to care for. A brush or a special cleaning rubber is suitable for removing smaller impurities. Leather is naturally water and dirt repellent to a certain extent. For additional protection, the bracelet can be impregnated on the outside with a colorless spray for suede. We particularly recommend this for light-colored suede, which is usually more sensitive to discoloration from dirt. In our Article about the cleaning and care of suede watch straps you will find detailed tips.
